Monday, 30 May 2011

We're off

See you in 3 months! Keep you eyes out for updates on this blog!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Prologue- and so our journey begins

Welcome to our blog. Soon we will be leaving a New Zealand winter behind for 3 months of travel. From Auckland we first arrive in London, with a side excursion to Paris. Then back to London and on to Tokyo, where we will attempt to avoid radioactivity and ground-shaking. We will venture down to Kyoto, before pressing on to Singapore. From here, the trip becomes more fluid, but we aim to travel north through Malaysia before exploring Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Finally, back for some more time in Singapore before we come back to NZ. Departure: 31 May. Thats 23 days and counting...