The outisde of the Louvre is quite simply magnificent. The scale is enormous, and the juxtaposition of new vs old with the French Baroque building surrounding the modern glass pyramid is stunning. We wandered around the outside, however the sign said "Le louvre est ferme le mardi" (closed on Tuesday)... rats. One of you did tell us that too. So, the inside of the Louvre, and Miss Lisa, will be a trip for Thursday.
The wall above that Matt is using his incredible strength to pry apart is an art installation outside the Louvre, made from bricks from Palestinian and Israeli houses which have been destroyed in the fighting there.
We are writing this post from McDonald's de Paris Beaugrenelle as its as free wifi. Indeed, we have taken to sitting in our local McD's, drinking tea and eating 0.90c euro macaroons in order of getting our wifi fix.
I'm a little concerned about that fluoro pink Jacket.